
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

this summer

Frankly, it's been a challenge, this summer.  No sooner did the kids start their break that I came down with the flu (or something that looked a whole lot like it) and my car died.  A very difficult visit with family has led me to re-evaluate relationships and set priorities.  It's a painful, slow process that involves a lot of grieving and letting go, but it is also helping me grow and celebrate my life.

At the same time, I have met some most lovely people, spent time in breathtaking beauty and begun another leg on this long journey towards healing and my destiny.

So with a couple more months of warm weather left, I am taking stock of all the loveliness that this summer has brought so far:  giggles and whispers with friends, finding unexpected beauty in hidden corners, sisters working together at living history events, birthdays and the stunning flowers from our garden to celebrate them, projects involving the whole family, antique shows, whale calves breaching, making art at a wonderful camp, and much needed time without shoes.

Yes, I think we'll be turning this challenging summer around yet, one unique and wonder-full day at a time.

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